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Oh I Get It explores the different learning preferences of individuals to help students maximise their learning experiences. This seminar highlights the difference between need and preference in learning and exposes students to multiple styles – both their own mix, and an increased awareness of different styles of their peers. Through exploring these leaning styles, students will gain a greater understanding of the impact that factors such as; Environmental, Physiological, Social, Emotional and Processing Style have on their ability to learn and retain new or difficult information. Practicalities are explored to help students develop strategies for appropriate change according to the learning situation.

Oh I Get It! equips and empowers students with the following learning goals and outcomes…

  • Widening their framework and motivation for learning (beyond the classroom)
  • Developing an awareness of the different learning conditions
  • Exploring and identifying their own style preferences
  • Applying practical steps to maximise each learning experience to implement their learning style preferences while recognising how to accommodate learning situations that don’t match preferred conditions

As per the Australian National Curriculum’s Personal and Social Capabilities, students undertaking this seminar will be challenged to examine influences on and consequences of their emotional responses in a learning and work-related contexts; make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement; identify and choose a range of learning strategies appropriate to specific tasks and describe work practices that assist their learning, and; assess, adapt and modify personal strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence.