… highlights the specific history of the school. It develops in students a greater appreciation of their school’s story and heritage. This seminar assists students to think through what it means for them to be leaders in the broader historical story of their school community. The emphasis is on challenging a mindset towards school leadership that focuses on ‘my story’ or ‘my year’ and equips students instead to embrace an attitude and skilling that allows them to carry and contribute to the unique continuing heritage of the school with honour and sacredness.
Custodians of Leadership equips and transforms students by…
- highlighting the significance of the past for the present
- exploring the history and heritage of their school and the founding individuals
- developing a timeline from the facts, myths, personalities and significant markers that they are aware of from their own experience, knowledge and research of the school’s history
- explaining that their leadership is not an isolated timeslot on their school’s timeline, but carries the weight of the heritage that was paved before them
- challenging them to carry with sobriety and responsibility the position that they have within the school