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Peer Meditation Series


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Peer Mediation Series“I think we underestimate the wealth of ability that our young people bring with them. They are often very perceptive to troubles of their peers and what is going on around them and they are very capable of handling those situations – often better than adults are. All they need is some training in that particular area – they are very helpful to each other and to the   administration.” Ros White St Paul’s School (Bald Hills Brisbane)

Q. What Is So Unique About This Program?
A. The ease and value of the content.

This resource contains the necessary data required to establish, implement and train students and staff in effective Peer Mediation.

As you unfold and apply each part you create a solid, workable and truly valuable asset. An asset designed to move your school towards a more peaceful environment.

Section 1: ESTABLISHMENT..focuses on the 6 preliminary steps required to establish Peer Mediation.

Section 2: IMPLEMENTATION...focuses on the details of how to actually facilitate Peer Mediation structurally.

Section 3: PROFILE OF THE PEER MEDIATOR…focuses on skills and characteristics necessary to mediate conflicts effectively

..focuses in detail on the 3 stages involved in the mediation process.

Includes: 1 Video with 2 / 15 min sections; Teacher’s Guide with student objectives and suggested Instructional Procedures, follow-up discussion and activities.

Order #AU1 $150.00
Order Direct from Peer Power Australia – 07 3311 2915