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…is a lateral thinking, activity based program specifically designed for students starting their high school journey. It focuses on the core skills of teamwork, communication, problem solving and creativity. This program is not a theory/lecture-based approach, as such; students are given a wide range of tasks that enable them to learn through hands on participation, discussions and debriefing. Students are challenged to practice and expand both their knowledge and skills, enabling them to build confidence in their ability to navigate their first year of high school.

Launching Into High School equips and transforms students by…

  • Exploring what they intuitively understand as core skills of a high school student.
  • Summarising the core skills of teamwork, communication, problem solving and creativity.
  • Experiencing a multi-faceted approach to tasks, designed to enable students to shift their intuition to practical skills required to:
    – effectively operate as a team;
    – communicate clearly in diverse environments;
    – recognise challenges and employ skills to overcome them;
    – discern the presenting and underlying problems in a lateral challenge/activity;
    – develop and apply their creativity.