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… explores the state of “Homeostasis”:  the state of rest, tranquillity, chilled out, not stressed, enjoying life, sense of well being, a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated.  And the state of “Allostasis”:  altered stability, the acceptance of the over stressed way of life as normal; and therefore not realizing one is negatively stressed, a new state of reality that accepts negative stress and normalizes it.

With this spectrum developed “It’s Your Choice” then explores the underlying issues and consequences behind the risky behaviours adopted to maintain the state of altered stability.  The program explores how much of an influence and sensory overwhelm the mass media has on Generation Y, and its attempts to manipulate adolescents for financial gain, recognising the Jungian philosophy that the central neurosis of today is “emptiness”.

Finally the seminar introduces and explains the cycle of addiction which is the result of many risky behaviours, and the practical steps to break the cycle, in order to regain the healthy state of homeostasis.

It’s Your Choice equips and transforms students by…

  • Identifying the common risky behaviours of adolescents (drugs, alcohol, smoking, extreme dietary habits, isolation)
  • Exploring the underlying issues and influences that drive adolescents to such behaviours
  • Explaining the consequences of not addressing such issues through understanding the addiction cycle
  • Provides practical steps to breaking the cycle of addiction